Sustainability - Arriva Italia - Bergamo
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Arriva Italia for the environment.

A sincere and meaningful commitment undertaken long ago.

Some data that testify the commitment of
Arriva Italia in Bergamo for the environment

+ 35%

reduced consumption from 2018 to today with the recycling of water fro bus washing.


recycled waste thanks to the separate collection of special materials in the Arriva Bergamo’s workshops.

78.890 Kg

of recycled waste thanks to the separate collection implemented in all our locations.
(equivalent to 4 buses)

For a more sustainable lifestyle

The Arriva Group has been working on this for some time, with a series os actions to reduce the environmental impact, such as recycling bus wash water, switching from fossil-burning vehicles to hybrid or electric vehicles, eco-driving courses to emit less harmful substances into the air.
Arriva promotes information and awareness campaigns for its employees and users, with actions and information material.